Tapukeah Jandar Memorial Temple

The Tapukeah Jandar Memorial Temple is a relatively minor temple with a skeleton staff in northern Fumaya.   It is near a public inn that the Fumayan Rovers.

Purpose / Function

Besides accomodate Nami worship, the main purpose of this temple is to serve as a waystation for travelers in the area traveling to or from the land of Meckelorn, the land of Codenya, and/or The Great Colassian Tundra.   It is also used part-time as a training facility for rookie Rovers to study up on and practice wilderness survival and navigation skills.


Tapukeah Jandar was named after an ancient Rover who was credited with leading a large group of satyrs and elves through the Second Unmaking alive. Records about Tapukeah are mostly oral and often contradictory. It is not agreed on whether Jandar was an elf or a satyr.   It's also not clear whether he was in his prime during the actual Second Unmaking or during The Little Unmaking.   It is not clear if Jandar even traveled through what is now the land of Fumaya, but the Rovers who built this temple were found of Jandar's legend and chose to name the temple after him for no specific reason.   Rovers periodically congregated in the area periodically for decades before they gathered to resources to build a small temple here.
Founding Date
1754 (constructed), 1759 (consecrated).
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Me with Nightjourney


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