Translating game mechanics into in-universe speech

As a Game Master or player it is common to say "She has Healing Three" or "She is a three-dot Healer"), but in-universe, Scarterrans don't see the dots on their character sheets in magic or any other aspect of ability that has a dot rating.   That said, Scarterrans do recognize there are powerful spell-casters and not weak spell-casters and scholars and theologians are wise to the notion that most magic in Scarterra seems to fall under a five-tier system.    


  There are sixteen known "spheres" of divine magic and each operates on a ● to ●●●●● scale with a different power or ability at each level for a whopping 80 possible theurgist spells not counting the lesser known combination powers.   Theurgist spheres have to learned in order. In order to learn Healing ●●●, you need to first learn Healing ● and Healing ●●. Scarterrans are not going to talk about how many dots someone has, but they recognize the order in which powers arrive.   Most Scarterran commoners are aware that there are different power levels of theurgy but they don't commonly know the specifics, but most Scarterrans that seriously study theology can probably recite what all eighty known theurgist spells can do even if they have never met someone who can do a quarter of those things that are theoretically possible.   Many theurgists top at ●●● in their favorite spheres and very few theurgists every acquire ●●●●● powers. Theurgists who the Dragons' Path will gain mystic power than those that rarely leave the temple, but even then the most powerful adventuring theurgists often choose to gain ●●● in several spheres rather than strive to get ●●●●● in a single sphere.   The various priesthoods have their own in-house terms for the five levels of ability in each sphere but the priests do barter and sell potions, scrolls or direct spell-casting services amongst each other so they need a common language to communicate. The terms below were originally developed by the Cult of the Compact and serve as the common language that theurgists of other orders use when talking to each other.   ● Initiate   ●● Novice   ●●● Acolyte   ●●●● Disciple   ●●●●● Guru   Ragani the gnome Guardian, an extremely potent adventuring theurgist has Spirit ●●●●●, Healing ●●●●, Protection ●●, so she is a Guru in Spirit, A Disciple in Healing, and Novice in Protection. In short-hand, she is a Guru theurgist because theurgists are labeled by their best magic.   The above is the vernacular if she dealing with priests and theurgists from other groups. In Ragani's own faction, the Guardians, she is a Grand Master in Spirit, a Master in Healing, and a Novice in Protection.   Just because Ragani is a Grand Master as a spell-caster doesn't mean she is a Grand Master as a priestess, Ragani's regional ecclesiastical group, the Fumayan Guardians has about 200 men and women in it, not counting those still in training.   90% of them have the rank of "Brother" or "Sister" and about half of these men and women will never rise about that rank. Of the 200 holy men and women in her order, only about 50 of them are theurgists and you can count the number of theurgists in Ragani's casting tier on one hand. Despite being a magical badass, Ragani is still only known as "Sister Ragani".   Assuming Ragani survives the current military campaign, she has a good chance of being fast-tracked for promotion. Not because of her magical ability but because she has bravely and competently succeeded in many dangerous missions. Even if the war drags on a very long time, she will probably not be promoted during the war because her superiors want to don't want their elite little theurgist to leave the front lines.   This is pretty normal, in most of the major priesthoods, spell-casting ability is not required to be promoted. Valorous deeds, years of seniority, political connections, managerial skills, and general charisma all factor in at least as much if not more so than magical ability. Among the Guardians, combat prowess and skill at crafting is also highly valued.  

Nomenclature for theurgist levels by priestly faction

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Testers The Testers theurgist ranks are loosely based on predators.   ● Fur   ●● Bone   ●●● Blood   ●●●● Fang   ●●●●● Apex     Tenders Tenders base their theurgist rankings on water.   ● Teardrop   ●● Splash   ●●● Stream   ●●●● River   ●●●●● Sea   Stewards The Stewards base their terms for Theurgist levels on stages of plant growth   ● Soil   ●● Seedling   ●●● Sapling   ●●●● Tree   ●●●●● Forest   Rovers The Rovers based their terms for theurgist levels on the wind   ● Still   ●● Breeze   ●●● Gust   ●●●● Gale   ●●●●● Tempest   Children The Children use similar terms for theurgy that wizards use to talk about their arcane magic.   ● Apprentice   ●● Novice   ●●● Adeptus   ●●●● Master   ●●●●● Arch Theurgist     Keepers The Keepers adopted the theurgist terms used by the Cult of the Compact verbatim.   ● Initiate   ●● Novice   ●●● Acolyte   ●●●● Disciple   ●●●●● Guru     Lanterns The Lanterns system of theurgist ranks is based on the moon.   ● Dark   ●● Crescent   ●●● Quarter   ●●●● Gibbous   ●●●●● Full   Guardians The Guardians theurgist ranking system is inspired by trades guilds' rankings.   ● Apprentice   ●● Novice   ●●● Journeyman   ●●●● Master   ●●●●● Grand Master   Masks The Masks magical system is based on wealth.   ● Copper   ●● Silver   ●●● Gold   ●●●● Platinum   ●●●●● Bejeweled

Arcane magic ability rankings

  There are eight arcane schools of magic. There are well over a hundred commonly known and documented spells. Throughout Scarterra, new spells are added to the roster. Mages debate whether these so called so called "rare" spells are truly new or if they are forgotten spells being rediscovered.   In theory, mages can learn spells in almost any order, but there are five "circles" of spells in each school of magic and all known spells, both common and rare fall under one of these five circles.   Blur and Disguise Self are both First Circle Illusion spells, and "Phantasmal Killer" and "Mass Veil" are both Fifth Circle Illusion spells.   A mage's rank in a school of magic is determined by his or her highest circle spell.   If an Illusionist has six First Circle spells, five Second Circle Spell, and one Third Circle spell, than she is still considered a Third Circle Illusionist even if she barely ever uses her one Third Circle spell.   If a mage is a Third Circle Illusionist and a Second Circle Diviner, than she is a "Third Circle Mage".   In most arcane circles, they understand what a "Second Circle Mage" or a "Fourth Circle Mage", but calling someone by their number is considered somewhat rude. Spells have circle number but people have titles. The commonly accepted terms for mage levels are listed below.   ● Apprentice   ●● Novice   ●●● Adeptus   ●●●● Master   ●●●●● Archmage   Long ago, the various magical tradition used their own five-tier ranking system but over the centuries, most mages now use the same vernacular above.   Most Scarterran mages choose to focus on developing one or two schools to a very high level rather than going for a jack-of-all-trades approach to their magic. A fifth circle Conjurer who only knows that one school of magic is going to command more respect prestige than a mage who is a third circle caster in four separate schools even though the mage with four third circle spells probably worked harder to get where he is.   Many mages choose to stop advancing their magical ability once they master a handful of spells that let them secure high paid jobs in a feudal court or other well-monied institution. It just so happens that a majority of the most highly sought after spells are in the Second and Third circle. A mage does not have to be a Master to train an apprentice and many apprentice mages study at the feet of an Adeptus.   Very few mages gain the title Archmage, and its considered very respectable lifetime achievement to be a Master. Sometimes female Masters prefer to go by "Master", other times they prefer to go by "Mistress", it's up to personal preference more than anything else.   Amongst wizards guild, covens and any other group dominated by mages, rank is usually determined by magical ability more than any other factor. This can be problematic because many powerful mages lack basic people skills or even basic common sense. Charisma, political connections, general life wisdom, and other factors normally only factor in if two mages of roughly the same magical ability are vying for the same position.   In most arcane organizations, most positions of responsibility are held by Masters. If you see an Adeptus in a position of authority either because that Adeptus is truly exceptional in some non-magical skillset or because no one else wanted the job.   There are not many Archmages out there. On top of this, many Archmages are so focused on advancing their mystic abilities that they find politics to be beneath them, so you don't see many Archmages in positions of leadership. But if an Archmage does want to play politics, the other mages in his group are probably going to listen to whatever he has to say and give him any position he wants.
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Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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