Revered Elder of Fumaya

Equal to any other Revered Elder, the Revered Mother or Father of Fumaya is pretty similar to any other Revered Elder.   Many Revered Elders have ecclesiastical territory that doesn't fit neatly into a set of national borders, but in this case the Revered Elder of Fumaya's territory and jurisdiction begins and ends at the borders of Fumaya which has more Hallisan chapels than most.   Their main seat of office in King's Lake.


The heads of Fumaya's chapels select the Grand Elder, normally from among their own.


Oversee the maintenance of the temples, training of the acolytes, and the logistics and supplies of all the Hallisan priests in Fumaya. Coordinate religious services throughout Fumaya. Liason with other Grand Elders.


Since Fumaya's founding, Fumaya's have been generally leaned towards Hallisan worship.

Cultural Significance

Hallisans priests and priestesses have been been commonly advising Fumaya's kings and dukes and has been commonly had their warriors interwoven with the Fumaya Armed Forces   A disproportionately high number of the Fumayan Guardians recruits are the "spare" sons and daughters of Fumaya's major noble families, and they seem make it to the role of Revered Elder more than the common born Fumayans.   The Revered Elders and those they lead are generally very patriotic to their homeland and loyal to the King of Fumaya, whoever that is.   Not all Guardians believe this lack of impartiality is a good thing, but most of these Guardians eventually transfer to other chapels outside of Fumaya's borders.
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
Revered Mother (or Father)
Length of Term
normally for life
Current Holders
Reports directly to
Related Locations
Related Organizations

Cover image: by Me with Hero Forge


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