King of Fumaya

Like most noble titles in Fumaya, the kingship is a hereditary honor that is passed to down to the oldest direct male heir of the last holder of the title after the previous title holder dies.


Defend the realm and see to the basic needs of the people.


The king receives a portion of the income of all his vassals and can call upon them for military service.


King Ziven Linijka the First 1505 to 1548   succeeded by his son   King Teos Linijika the Unlucky Teo Linijka the Unlucky 1548 to 1549   succeeded by his brother   King Domingo Linijika, the Kantoca 1549 to 1575   succeeded by his son   King Ziven Linijika II, the Wise 1575 to 1622   succeeded by his son   King Ziven Linijika III, the Tall 1622 to 1636   succeeded by his nephew   King Henryk II Linijka, the Orator 1637 to 1640   succeeded by his son   King Cezary Linijka the Quiet 1640 to 1698   succeeded by his son   King Cezary Linijka II the Forgotten 1698 to 1700   succeeded by his son   King Cezary Linijka III the Game 1700 to 1751   succeeded by his son   King Casmir Linijka the Just 1752 to 1768   succeeded by his son   King Ziven Linijka IV the Slothful 1769 to 1775   succeeded by his son   King Arwid Linijika the Warrior Scholar 1775 to 1799   succeeded by his son   King Ziven Linijika VI the Merry 1799 to 1833   succeeded by his son   King Henryk Linijka III the young king 1833 to 1838^

Cover image: Royal Seal of Fumaya by Me using Worldspinner's Heraldry creator


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