Speaker of the Council

The Speaker presides over Apseldian Council meetings. The position is considered a burden as much as a prestige. Speakers serve two-year terms and are chosen by lot from the whole Half-Elf populations (gnomes  are not eligible). If the chosen Speaker refuses, another one is selected until someone takes the mantle. It is generally considered bad form to refuse the title of Speaker though Half-Elves who don’t live in the city proper can opt out with no social repercussions. Half-Elves never serve as the Speaker twice.


Be an eligible member of the Apseldia Council and be chosen by lot.


Preside over council meetings and maintain order


Prestige, recongnition and a small stipend

Accoutrements & Equipment

A golden badge of office and a magical megaphone
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Source of Authority
The Apseldian Council
Length of Term
Two Years

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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