Father Bartek

On paper, Father Bartek was the leader of the Duchy of Zimoz chapel, but Revered Mother Frymar played musical chairs with some of the Fumayan chapel heads.   He is now based in the chapel in the Duchy of Palbuc and is helping coordinate Guardians in assisting the Palbuc forces in securing their long border.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is primarily earthy with secondary airy traits.   Though pushing fifty, he still exercises regularly and eats healthy so he is excellent shape for his age.

Special abilities

Father Bartok is a powerful theurgist with a very front line combat focus. His spheres include Healing ●●●, Augmentation ●●●, Hexing ●●●, and Protection ●●●.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bartek was a non-inheriting son of a Fumayan noble line (exact family TBD). He was well-trained in combat and theology.   He is one of the most formidable holy warriors of his generation in the Fumayan Guardians. He grew old in a profession where most died young. In his youth he was a mighty warrior and celebrated adventurer that gradually transitioned to leadership roles as he got older.   Bartek became head of the Zimoz chapel at a fairly young age. In addition to his theological duties, he served the Duke of Zimoz as an advisor and Master at Arms for over twenty years before he was reassigned. His courtly position is now held by a Keeper, Udom of the Zenith.   Both Bartek and Duke Cezerary Zimoz were not particularly happy with the transfer, but Bartek reluctantly accepted that Revered Mother Frymar made the right call.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1790 CE 48 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Hallisan's Zodiac Year, Korus' Zodiac month
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Orcish

Cover image: Guardian Icon by me


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