Duchy of Zimoz

The second most northern region of Fumaya.   The region as a whole is fairly sparsely populated, at least compared to the rest of Fumaya. The three counties making up the duchy are among the largest counties in Fumaya in terms of raw land area but are only in the middle of the pack for total population.   Most of the settled area are farming villages located near the regions many streams and lakes. There are many underground water sources here, so wells are common sight. The rest of the land is mostly woodlands.


Feudalistic with patrimonial succession of hereditary titles.
Alternative Name(s)
Fumaya's "upper ankle",
National Territory
About 60,000 mortals
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Traditions

Articles under Duchy of Zimoz

Cover image: Zimoz Crest by Me via World Spinner's Heraldry Generator


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