Inner Ocean

The Inner Ocean is the smaller of Scaraqua's two great oceans. While it is smaller than the Outer Ocean, it is still quite large.   In terms of population it is very large. indeed It has far more fish, crustaceans and other aquatic beasts than the Outer Ocean and it houses at least three quarters of Scaraqua's mortal population. The vast majority of Scarterra's salt water vessels ply this ocean as opposed to the Outer Ocean.


The Inner Ocean is encapsulated by all the main landmasses of Scarterra and compromises the entirety of the Sea of Enosha (which encompasses Mera's Lake), most of the Sea of Mangcha and Sea of Resona, about a third of the Taedi, and the Demonic Strait.   The Inner Ocean has a few trenches in it but most of the waters of the Inner Ocean are relatively shallow and many beasts and mortals live on the ocean surface.  The sea floor of the Inner Ocean is dotted with farms, quarries, fortifications, homes, and other constructions making the Inner Ocean the heart of undersea civilization.

Fauna & Flora

The Inner Ocean has a wide variety of sea creatures.  Almost every plant and animal that exists underwater exists somewhere in this Ocean.


As the cradle of Scaraqua's civilization and culture and the main shipping lanes for Scarterra, when Scarterrans meet Scaraquans either on friendly, neutral, or hostile terms, nineteen times out of twenty, it is in the Inner Ocean.
Location under
Contested By
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Inner ocean is dark blue by Me


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