The Long Sea

Scaraquans call this region "the Long Sea" because it's joked that most places of interest are a long distance apart.    Scarterrans call this region "The Colassian Sea" because it separates East and West Colassia the long way.


West Colassia and East Colassia are split by the Demonic Strait which is less than a hundred miles long. "East" and "West" is subjective because Scarterra is round, because if you sail east from East Colassia you will eventually sail into West Colassia. This wider stretch of Sea is called the Long Sea by Scaraquans and it's called the Colassian Sea by Scarterrans.   On the surface, the Long Sea is relatively free of islands but it is smooth sailing.  Ocean currents are gentle and fairly predictable, with winds carrying warm air from the equator north.   Underwater it's a different story.  The coastlines off of the east coast of East Colassia and the west coast of West Colassia are pretty shallow and fertile for sea creatures but the area between is less hospitable.  There are relatively few life giving underwater vents and the Scaraquan Currents are limited and relatively short.   The Long Sea is dotted with deep trenches and tall mountains (that are nevertheless less not tall enough to poke above the water.  The deep trenches are dangerous, often spawning terrifying monsters.  The mountainous areas are fertile and resource rich often supporting small undersea pockets of civilization.   Most of the areas between the trenches and mountains are the undersea equivalent of savannah and steppes.  Rich in life, but very difficult to cultivate agriculture on. The Undersea savannahs also give way to periodic patches of oceanic deserts.   A lot of tribes of various species of Scaraquans living nomadic lifestyles swimming the oceanic deserts and savannahs.
Alternative Name(s)
Colassian Sea
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Articles under The Long Sea

Cover image: Rough draft of Scaraquan Oceans by me


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