Potionomics: What is Available?

Common Divine Magic Potions

  Augmentation ● (potion), plus one die on physical actions for 30 minutes, 55 copper   Crafts ● (arrows and bolts), plus one damage die, 6 silver   Divination ● (potion), detect magical auras for 30 minutes, 55 copper   Protection ●● (potion), six bonus soak dice against energy attacks for one hour, 18 silver   Healing ●●●, (potion) heal three levels of lethal damage, 65 silver  

Common Arcane Magic Potions

  Blur, 1st circle (potion), +1 to target with physical attacks for 9 minutes, 55 copper   Detect Magic, 1st circle, (potion), detect magical auras for 30 minutes, 55 copper   Protection, 1st circle (potion), +1 soak die and +1 Willpower versus attacks for 30 minutes, 55 copper   Shield, 1st circle (potion), floating shield for 9 minutes, 55 copper   Energy Shield, 2nd circle (potion), + 6 soak dice against energy attacks for one hour. 18 silver    

Relatively Common Divine Magic Potions

  Crafts ● (oil), increase weapon damage by +1 die or increase armor soak value by +1 die for 30 minutes, 35 copper   Divination ● copying Identify spell (potion), identify function and command word for 3 magic items, 32 silver   Healing ● (powder), stabilize severely wounded people, prevent infection for a day, 6 silver   Plant ● (powder), obscure footprints and tracks, 6 silver   Weather ● (grenade), summon small fog patch for 30 minutes, 8 silver   Wrath ● (oil), lethal weapon inflicts bashing damage for a scene, 3 silver   Augmentation ●● (potion), increase an attribute for 30 minutes, 18 silver   Divination ●●, speak any language clearly (though not idioms, slang, or metaphors) for one hour, 18 silver   Divination ●●●,, pierce illusions cast with three successes or less or 30 minutes, 65 silver   Protection ●●●, +1 difficulty to hit with weapons or target with spells for 30 minutes, 65 silver   Purification ●●●, cure most common illnesses and poisons, 65 silver  

Relatively Common Arcane Potions

  Amplify, 1st circle (potion), speak and sing very loudly for 3 hours, 55 copper   Detect Poison, 1st circle, (potion), detect serious poisons for 30 minutes, 55 copper   Feather Amulet, 1st circle (one-use amulet), your next fall is at a non-damaging speed, 12 silver   Disguise Self, 1st circle (potion), change appearance for 90 minutes, 18 silver   Fast Movement, 1st circle (potion), roughly double running speed for 30 minutes, 55 copper   Gentle Repose, 1st circle (powder), halt decomposition of a corpse for six days, 3 silver   Identify, 1st circle (potion), identify function and command word for 3 magic items, 32 silver   Spider climb, 1st circle (potion) climb like a spider for 60 minutes, 55 copper   Biting Magic Weapon, 2nd circle (oil), -2 difficulty on damage rolls on weapon for 30 minutes, 14 silver   Dead Name (powder), positively identify the name of a corpse, even a very old corpse. 20 silver   Dispel Magic, 2nd circle (grenade), remove magical effects of three successes or less in a two foot radius, 22 silver   Fly (potion), fly for 30 minutes, 18 silver   Heroism, 2nd circle (potion), +1 on non-magical rolls for 30 minutes, 18 silver   Invocation arrow, 2nd circle (arrow), 5 dice 10 foot radius, 9 dice single target, or 5 dice ignores armor, 25 silver   Invocation grenade, 2nd circle (grenade), 5 dice 10 foot radius, 9 dice single target, or 5 dice ignores armor, 22 silver   cold based fire suppressor, 2nd circle (grenade), 5 dice 10 foot radius, 23 silver   Invisibility, 2nd circle, turn invisible for 30 minutes or until doing something aggressive, 18 silver   See Invisibility, 2nd circle, (potion), pierce invisiblity illusions up to three successes for 90 minutes, 18 silver   Water Breathing, 2nd circle (potion) breath and see normally underwater for 3 hours, 18 silver   Water Breathing, 2nd circle (breakable charm) breath and see normally underwater for 3 hour, 22 silver   complex magic weapon, 3rd circle (oil), -2 difficulty to attack and parry with weapon for 30 weapons, 50 silver  

Relatively Common Charged Items

  Bracers of Magical Shielding, contains Shield Spell   Swift Shoes, contains Fast Movement spell   Faux Torches, contains Light spell

Prices and Availability are Guidelines not Rules

  The prices and availability assume you are in a relatively friendly area in relatively peaceful times dealing with neutral but polite people.   "Commonly available items" are frequently manufactured and stockpiled in quantity during peace time   "Relatively common available" are not stockpiled in quantity, but it's not usually very hard to find someone who can make them and asking for it well not normally raise too many eyebrows.   If there is a war or other hard times, prices will probably go up. If you are buying items from your own allies than prices will probably go down.   If an area is experiencing war, all potions will go up in price, especially healing potions and augmentation potions.   If an area is especially concerned with spies and criminals, it's harder to find potions of Disguise Self, Fast Movement, Fly, and Invisiblity legally.   Even if you want commonly available and fully potions, if you want to avoid broadcasting "I'M AN ADVENTURER!" to everyone in the area, you are going to have buy things through back channels which increases the time and expense of the your shopping trip.   Sometimes local conditions affect prices too. Areas with powerful temples probably have wider availability of potions and scrolls for whatever the local theurgists are good at.   If an area's culture really looks down on type of magic, buying a magical item of that sort is going to be a lot harder.

Cover image: by Me with Midjourney


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