Torches Session 33, the Hay Before the Storm
General Summary
So the gang bought some new clothes and Kormatin posed for an ice sculpture in preparation for the three and a half day Crown Days of Fumaya 1838/Hay Day festival and jousting tournament.
The first day had the tournament whittle down to from 64ish to 32. The second day went down to the Sweet 16 and the first half of the archery contest. The third day had went down to the final Elite Eight and the second half of the archery contest The final day had the final Four face off of and then the final. Every rider representing a Nonagon faction went down in round one. Sir Bendek (by way of knock down), Kormatin's cousin, Lord Bohdan Wiern, Duke Vern Palbuc, all won their first round. Kormatin's cousin got knocked out in round two. Bendek squeaked a round two victory by points, Duke Palbuc advanced by points. Lord Bohdan caused the bracket busting upset of the tournament. knocking out a seasoned knight. Bendek got knocked out in round three with a very hard hitting knock down. Bohdan lost round three. Duke Palbuc advanced to elite eight, then advanced to the final four barely where he was unhorsed. The winner was the king's champion, the guy won the last two Hay Day tournaments. Day One had the opening ceremonies, the king giving out civic awards, and some casual shows and contests. It round one of the jousting tournament. Plus drinking and music at night. Day two had lots of shows, more contests (including the illusion contest Brigid participated in), and round two of the jousting tournament and one round of the archery tournament. Plus drinking and music at night. Day three had the most hyped contests and shows, and the semifinals of the jousting tournament and the conclusion of the archery contest. Plus drinking and music at night. Day four, the food and souvenir vendors sold their remaining stock at a steep discount, the jousting tournament concluded and some of the most popular performances from before had encore shows. An impromptu tent based bath house was set up and various other amenities were set up for those who partied too hard.What the Gang Did
Kormatin and his companions met periodically at events they shared interest in, but they spent most of the festival doing their own thing. Bendek mostly hung out with the other jousters or served as honor guard to the king though. Brigid mostly hung around with Lanterns and musicians. Kormatin spent the majority of his time on a date with Aleesia and the rest of the time chumming with the various members of Fumayan Keepers. Ragani and her brother Rasdon babysat all their nieces and nephews not counting the infants and took them around the festival.Supporting Cast
Kormatin met a bunch of nobles in and near the tournament and greeted a bunch of commoners and met a fair number of clergy from the rest of the nonagon Aurum Zara of the Dawn played tour guide to the local kalazotz. Aheneus Donal of the Dusk participated in many athletic contests and eventually won some hay winning a barrel throwing contest. Aheneus Dosia of the Day got her feet wet as a deputy investigator. Aheneus Zelislaw of the Dusk spent quality time with his family. Aurum Nylian of the Day brown nosed nobles. Aurum Kamilia of the Dawn cheered her husband on in the tournament and spent time with her famiy. Aurum Havro of the Dusk was all business and formality in the day but partying at night. Apogee Nour of the Day and Apogee Jaromir of the Zenith were too busy being busy to have fun. Aheneus Estalar of the Dawn led a musical service in Khemra's honor and did a good job acting as "face" to the local Keepers. RETCON: Aheneus Manuel of the Dusk spent a day sulking over his ignominious round one defeat in the tournament but then loosened up and had a bit of fun on day two and three.Major Story Events
Brigid won a bag of hay in a tie breaker of the illusion contest. In an encore performace for Duke Vern Palbuc ended it by conjuring a blue sash and then vanished with invisiblity which was a very bold flirtatious symbol to the young duke. A female pickpocket from Swynfaredia had a plot to take Kormatin's sword while he was drunk or distracted but he was never properly drunk or distracted so the pickpocket opted to get drunk instead, eventually found by Dosia, deputy investigator, interrogated by Kormatin and let go. Kormatin met Inara par Gruffyl along with two satyr Children and a sneaky tengku doing low level spying. Fiona the "Borderlander" turned out to be a Kovenoth squib but Kormatin let her go with a warning because she didn't do anything hostile and seemed to be an honorable woman.Rewards Granted
4 exp
60 copper spent and 10 silver spent on new clothes, gifts, and living it up.
a strength of will for Brigid
Fun memories.