Cyna County

Cyna County, located in the southwwestern region Duchy of Nerozik is the hilliest county in all in the land of Fumaya and among the least populated counties if not the least populated county though it benefits from abundant mineral resources.


81% of Fumaya as a whole is human but in this county, it's closer to 91%. Fumayan humans are the majority of course but there is a relatively large minority of humans with Borderlander blood you don't see in the rest of Fumaya.

Industry & Trade

Mining is the chief industry in Cyna County, and the the local farmers here barely produce any meaningful surplus above a subsistance level, so the area has to import foodstuffs from the rest of the Duchy of Nerozik and Fumaya as a whole in order to feed the local miners here.   The local nobles here are usually quite generous when it comes to granting peasants hunting and gathering rights, so this helps alleviate the food issues somewhat. To get hunting rights, one normally has to be in the civilian militia or family to the militia. The local lords believe this is good training and want to make sure their fighting men know the terrain very well in case of an outside invasion or monster incursion.   The area has a lot of sealed up mines. At any given time there are usually roughly three or four active mines and at least twenty or so inactive mines. The local miners tend to operate a mine for four or five years, then they close the mine and rotate to a different mine to give the mines a decade or two to replenish. Mines usually close up for the winter unless the demand for a particular mineral is very high.


This is the last settlement in Fumaya's south to be tamed though the area has been well-settled for roughly two centuries.   Nikolai Nerozik was given a barony here as a consolation prize by his father Duke Wilbur Nerozik to make up for not being duke and with the help of his wife Marjan's political manuevering eventually got the barony recognized as a grand Barony and then as a legal county.   Rulership   1543 to 1592 Baron Nikolai Nerozik   1592 to 1595 Count Nikolai Nerozik   1596 to 1601 Nikolai Nerozik III, Nikolai the Unlucky


The area is not very settled, so the area doesn't have a lot of buildings but the area has a disproportionately high number of Fumayan Resident Alien Dwarves relative to the rest of Fumaya, so the buildings and castles they do have tend to be fairly new and very well-built, though built for function and not aesthetics.


The area is dominated by forested hills and a few lakes with farmlands clustered around the lakes or clustered in the few fairly flat areas.


Temperate with hot summers, cold winter winters and rainy springs.

Natural Resources

The hilly rugged terrain makes farming somewhat difficult in Cyna County, but there is a reasonable amount of rainfall and a temperate climate helps. There are fewer lakes and ponds here than the rest of of Fumaya. Unlike the rest of Fumaya, fishing opportunities are quite limited here.   When rain fall is not adequate, there is plenty of groundwater here to make digging a well a reasonably simple endeavor.   The main natural resource worth noting is the mineral riches. most of the mines are relatively cold, and none of them are particularly valuable on their own, but there are a lot of mines here, and collectively they are worth a lot.   Tin is especially plentiful here, but almost every mineral valued in Scarterra can be found here in some quantity including but not limited to gold, copper, iron, silver, lead, and even a tiny bit of platinum.   The area is sporadically forested and provides good timber resources but doesn't have many rare or valuable trees and the reagent foraging options are fairly mediocre considering how how comparably wild the region is.
National Territory
Roughly 12,000 mortals
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Articles under Cyna County

Cover image: House Nerozik Heraldry by Me using Worldspinner's heraldry tool


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