Tapukeah Gedalia Mera Bishopric
The Tepukeah Gedalia Mera Bishopric is more commonly called "the Gedalia Bishopric" or the "Mera Bishopric" as its the only Mera-aligned bishopric in Fumaya.
The Gedalia Bishopric is the crown jewel of the Fumayan Tenders that helps financially sustain the rest of the Tenders.
It's farm land produces a good agricultural surplus and the Bishopric attracts a fair few donors. The Bishopric also sells a lot of "Temple Cheese" strategically using access point to the Northwest Forest, so they can "mine the miners" with regards to the reagent foragers that flock to the forest.
In addition to generating income, most Fumayan Tenders rotate in here early in their ecclesiastic careers for at least part of their training.
Roughly 55% humans, 30% gnomes, and 15% satyrs, specifically Itirean satyrs.
The central small town/large town is a melting pot of different races and cultures but most of the outlying self-segregate so the gnomes and satyrs mostly live in in their own villages. Most of the gnome villages are towards the west near the border of the Barony of the Schnocneg Plains and most of the satyrs are clustered in the north.
As a feudal bishopric within the Kingdom of Fumaya, the head of the Bishopric has the equivalent rank and status of a Baron or Baroness and answers to the Count of Filipa.
The Count of Filipa, like most of Fumaya's nobility, believes in giving his vassals a fair amount of autonomy to run their own affairs as they see fit, and Bishoprics are usually given more autonomy than most. Officially, the Bishopric is exempt from paying feudal tithes they are not exempt from providing military service when called upon. While not formally required to do it, the Bishopric will provide free theurgist and clerical support whenever the Count of Filipa asks and they sell the Count potions and scrolls at cost.
Like most bishoprics, the head of the Gedalia Bishopric is selected by merit from the ranks of the priesthood rather than through hereditary succession like most secular feudal holdings.
The peasants of the Bishopric work the land pretty much how all the other Scarterran peasants farm the land, they just pay their taxes to priests and priestesses rather than to knights and courtiers.
Because this is the only major Fumayan Mera-aligned holding essentially on the frontier this area produces a bit hardier Tenders than the average.
The Fumayan Tenders do not generate many holy warriors, but they generate some holy warriors. Many of them were born and raised in this bishopric and a vast majority of them were trained here.
While the military forces are lead by Mera holy warriors, the bulk of the soldiers defending the realm are ordinary militia and men-at-arms though they have better access to healer theurgists and Healing Potions than most similar armed forces of similar size.
Industry & Trade
The region produces a surplus of cereal grains and has many orchards of apples and chestnuts. The realm also boasts a lot of skilled healers. They trade their agicultural and medicinal surplus to maintain and increase their philosophy.
The area is adjacent to Barony of the Schnocneg Plains so they can acquire trained reindeer easily and are adjacent to Northwest Forest so they can access reagents fairly easily.
The realm has an impressive alchemy and potions laboratory and manufactures a lot of magical and non-magical medicines. With their stable of reindeer, they can deliver medicine (or trained healers) throughout all of Fumaya.
Most of the giant reindeer bred in the Barony of the Schnocneg Plains eventually make their way to the Gedalia Bishopric, so even the human priests and healers can ride reindeer here.
Guilds and Factions
Beslyfle the gnome is the matron of the Fumayan Tenders and she makes no secret for her dislike of the Tender faction known as the Paladins.
A lot of the clergymen and women in Gedalia Bishopric are Paladin sympathizers though as of yet, none have publicly stated this, but some believe its only a matter of time before some do and then Beslyfle can unleash her pent up passive-aggressive tendencies.
The Bishopric was established by the Count of Filipa as a grand gesture of thanks after Priestess Gedalia and her acolytes helped heal several illness stricken members of his family.
Lightly forested rolling hills permeated with cleared farmland.
On the cool side of temperate with wet springs, hot summers, and very cold winters.
Natural Resources
The Gedalia Bishopric enjoys good farmland and good timberland.
National Territory
Roughly 2500 mortals
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location