Master List of Quotes

Amra the half-elf, Sentinel of the Barrier

by me with Midjourney
  the Sentinels of the Barrier  

Akeem of Magicland, professor Emeritus of History

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Ale Houses   Ballistas of Scarterra   Boogeymen of the Void, the   chimeras   Chronicles of Levanalth   coffee plants   Crown Time Drain   Demon Lords   Faceless   gnomes   goblins   kobolds   Legendary Divine Talismans   Lensa Vaxidor   Meckelorn in the Second Age   millet   Scarterran opera   Second Unmaking   seneschals   tengku   the decline of human slavery in the Feudal Era   Queen Ameria Ravakas Atlas of the Known World   zombies      

Akza owner and operator of The Drunken Bat Inn and Brewery

  brodesopp   The Drunken Bat Inn and Brewery    

Aleesia the satyr, vintner and Fumayan Rover

comissioned portrait of Aleesia the Satyr by Zeta Gardner
  Jelly Spear Plays   khnumar   Lake of Fumaya   satyr footwear   Scarterran Holy Symbols in general   tengku   Tapukeah Zeyvem Memorial Hospital   the Storm House Eatery   who becomes a theurgist and who does not      

Alexy, poseidonus satyr

Comissioned Male Poseidonous Satyr by Zeta Gardner
  Nami Annual Celebrations   The Drunken Bat Inn and Brewery      

Almon Genmaer, grey elf sailor

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Bladed Melee Weapons   cats   ducks   maize   Midsummer's Night   Scarterran New Year's Observances   wheat   Queen Ameria Ravakas Atlas of the Known World   rice    

Aralur Greystone, Arum of the Dwarf Keepers

by me with Hero Forge
  Dyrik Mykrrún   Second Unmaking in Scarnoctis   Scarterran merchants   Smoke Eater Fungi   Sóleið, the aka Dwarf Keepers      

Basim, Confederate Satyr And Apothecary And Reagent Dealer

by Me with Hero Forge
  coffee plants   Confederate satyrs   Control Collars   grootslangs   millet   salt, economics   satyr footwear    

Baron Monroe

  Barony of Eternity    

Beslyfle the gnome, matron of Fumaya's Tenders

  bugbears   Crown Time Drain   ducks   gnomes   Gnome's Eye View of History in West Colassia   How most Scarterrans get their drinking water   Mera combs   Mera's Dawn   Mera's Solace   Mera's Zenith   Scarterran Holy Symbols in general   Scarterran merchants   the decline of human slavery in the Feudal Era   ollums   Order of Nicola   seneschals   zombies    

Sir Bendek Deorac, Adventurer and roving knight

Bendek by Eron12 on Hero Forge
  County of Ferrous Valley   Jelly Spear Plays   Talon and Fang Warriors    

Bevan, Swynfaredian alchemist

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  alchemy   Alchemical Food Preservation   amethyst trees   Chaos Snuff   Duchy of Gwynllan   lineages of wisdom   off-winter ice   Poison Detection Jewelry   reagents      

Belisario, Kantoca warrior priest of Hallisan

  Scarterran merchants    

Besoulin Chainbraids, dwarf homemaker

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  brodesopp   Crown Time Drain   "little goats"   Smoke Eater Fungi   Where do Scarterrans poop?  

Beznak Bristlebranch, Dwarf Deep Ranger

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  bugbears   drop spiders   dwarf rangers   Faux Torches   morlocks   red goblins      

Blood Mystic Detlef, swordsmen and summoner

by me with Hero Forge
  Dawn of Maylar   Jelly Spear Plays   Maylar's Solace   Tester Stereotypes and Opinions on Other Groups   Queen Ameria Ravakas Atlas of the Known World    

Brigid, swordsmith among other things

Brigid's second portrait by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Bladed Melee Weapons   Death Goats   Draconic Circle Plays   Jelly Spear Plays   Klarica County    

Borsas Dragonbane, freelance blacksmith

Borsas Dragonbane by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Hallmar Snowview   Smoke Eater Fungi   Snowview Clan    

Carcelli Arcane Priestess of Greymoria

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Apex of Greymoria   Boogeymen of the Void, the   chimeras   Crown Time Drain   Custodians of Kismet Heritage   Feather Amulet   Fumayan gnomes   gnomes   Greymoria's Solace   Greymoria's Verdance   Lake of Fumaya   Queen Ameria Ravakas' Atlas of the Known World   Scarterran New Year's Observances   Scarterran Holy Symbols in general   Soultaker Blade   skin changer witches   Swift Shoes   who becomes a theurgist and who does not    

Casmir, Fae Warlock

  skin changer witches      

Brother Nozeth, of the Order of the Stone

  Apex of Hallisan   Bladed Melee Weapons   Order of the Stone      

Chaifung, kappa

  kappas   turtle gorillas    

Colel the kalazotz of Clan Abehreh

  Scarterran New Year's Observances      

Daana, Defender of the Hearth, Paladin

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Bladed Melee Weapons   bugbears   Ghouls   How most Scarterrans get their drinking water   Meraland   Mera's Zenith   ollums   Scarterran Holy Symbols in general   skin changer witches      

Dabub, orc hunter

  Alchemical Food Preservation   chimeras   Imbolc, the Herald of Spring   Midsummer's Night   Reindeer cheese   Scarterran New Year's Observances   Spear of Mordock, the   Maylar's Solace   wendigo      

Daishiro author of Comprehensive Guide to Kappas

  kappas   turtle gorillas    

Danuta, Fumayan Mask

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Phidas' Dawn   Phidas' Solace   Scarterran Holy Symbols in general   Scarterran merchants   Swynfaredian Dragonbloods   the decline of human slavery in the Feudal Era   Zenith of Phidas      

Demid the Reluctant Loa Hero

by Me with Hero Forge
  Barony of Eternity    

Dobry, five year old Fumayan boy

  Geu-Puppies   Wedding Punchings    

Dreiters, gnelf imperial butler

  Crown Time Drain    

Drudlunk, Meckelorn gnome warrior

by Me using Hero Forge
  Meckelorn gnomes    

Duchess Isabella, Kantoca noblewoman

  Borderlander National Industry      

Dulgrom, dwarf ranger

  Axes   bugbears   "little goats"    

Dyrik Mykrrún, infamous villain

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Dyrik Mykrrún    

Eknok, tengku merchant

Tengku #5 by Zeta Gardner
  coffee plants   Marfa Medina   Mooringsland   Scarterran merchants   Scarterran Messengers   tengku   wool    

Elbrus Bristlebranch, traveling blacksmith

Elbus Bristlebranch by Eron12 with Heroforge
  Bristlebranch Clan      

Elder Toregarth Greystone

  Greystone dwarf clan  

Elwin Daexina, skopen masquerading as a normal wood elf hunter


Enapay, Laguza fisherman

Enapay the Laguza by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Imbolc, the Herald of Spring   Qalupalika, the      

Enfys the Rainbow of Death, expatriate of Swynfaredia

  Bearers of the Ill Wind   Custodians of Kismet Heritage   How most Scarterrans get their drinking water   Tester Stereotypes and Opinions on Other Groups      

Farica, Uskalan Mask Breaker

  Slavery in Uskala   the Sentinels of the Barrier  

Fielwa, gnome serving wench

-Meckelorn gnomes    

Fremiss the Vibrant, dragon

  dragons   Man Eater's Madness      

Gaatha, Lantern of Zarthus

by me with Hero Forge
  Marfa Medina   Moon bread   Musseland   the decline of human slavery in the Feudal Era   the moon and disguises      

Garan, Swynfaredian Baker

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Alchemical Food Preservation   bonecracker eggs served at wedding feasts   Midsummer's Night   @drag  

Garima, Penarchian Steward of the Gift

  Scarterran merchants    

Glimmermoon, bar wench

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  demonic salt   off-winter ice   Poseidonus satyrs    

Glynnis, Swynfaredian Priestess of Greymoria

  Children   Custodians of Kismet Heritage   @temple  

Green Reverend Brynn

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Apex of Korus   Autumn Stellar Day   Bladed Melee Weapons   Crown Time Drain   dragon grass   ducks   Korus' Solace   Korus' Verdance   maize   potatoes   rye   Spring Stellar Day   skin changer witches    

Gorisonad the Wise, famous dragon

Kovenoth AI Headshot by me with Midjourney
  chimeras   Dragon's Wild Time, leyacorpla   febricantium, proto-ghoul fever  

Griffith, patriarch of House Gareth and Grand Marshal of Swynfaredia

  off-winter ice   zombies      

Gwendolyn ap Numaness, Queen of Swynfaredia

  Chronicles of Levanalth   Custodians of Kismet Heritage   draconic circle plays   Poison Detection Jewelry   Scarterran New Year's Observances   skin changer witches    

Hallmar Snowview, freelance dwarf miner

by me with Hero Forge
  demonic salt   lead   salt, economics    

Harun, chief abjurer of Magicland

  Principality of Magicland      

Hasana, shepherd's wife

  base camp stew      

Havro, Fumayan peasant farmer

  Making hay when the sun shines   Wedding Punchings   Zodiac Holidays in general      

Harren Greystone, royal historian of Meckelorn

  bugbears   chimeras  

Janesh the Outrider

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Bladed Melee Weapons   Mera's Zenith   Greater Mereshnari Tribe   grootslangs      

Jaromir, Fumayan Priest of Khemra

by Me with Hero Forge
  Crown Time Drain   Khemra's Dawn   Khemra's Dusk   Khemra's Zenith   Scarterran Holy Symbols in general   Shield of the Sun's Splendor   Sóleið, aka Dwarf Keepers, the   Varying lengths of day and night    

Javier Kantoca Walchese priest

  Mera's Dawn   Mera's Solace   Mera's Zenith  

Jelsa, Granddaughter of Pogerth, Swynfaredian Speaker for the Gnomes

by Me using Hero Forge
  Why names that start with "D" are politically charged in Swynfaredia  

-Jemmurth the Swamp King, dragon

by me with Midjourney
  Draconic Circle Plays   dragons   Dragon's Wild Time, leyacorpla   grootslangs   Man Eater's Madness   Swynfaredian Dragonbloods  

Kaitolama, Kitsune historian


Kataki, independent priestess of Greymoria

  Scarterran merchants    

Kawasso, kappa


Kinmei, Umera fisherman

  Piracy throughout Scarterra    

Kleekz, goblin warrior

by me with Midjourney

Kormatin of the Order of the Lantern

Kormatin Portrait2 by Eron12 on Hero
  Bladed Melee Weapons   skin changer witches      

Kovenoth the Builder, dragon

  Man Eater's Madness      

Kuvyos, Kionus satyr

Male Kionus Satyr by Zeta Gardner
  Death Goats      

Lady Felicja Wern of the Decadents

by Eron12 on Hero Forge
  Decadents   Maylar's Solace   Tester Stereotypes and Opinions on Other Groups      

Lady Laalsa, coffee plantation owner


Lysisastrata, Scourge of Penarchia

  Peacebreakers   Tester Stereotypes and Opinions on Other Groups      

Magnati, independent necromancer

by Eron12 with Heroforge
  Barony of Eternity   ghost rider zombies   febricantium, proto-ghoul fever   ghouls   Soultaker Blade   zombies      

Marbuil Redscale, dwarf salt master

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Alchemical Food Preservation   brodesopp   Dwarf salt masters   Insect rancher   Meckelorn Council of Elders, the   Smoke Eater Fungi    

Marek the wizard, advisor to the court of Duchy of Wiern

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  skin changer witches      

Master Blaprur, gnome sage

by me with Hero Forge
  brodesopp   gnomes   Smoke Eater Fungi    

Matriarch Lukhubela of the Maiden Guard

  Maiden Guard    

Lady Menna, Matriarch of House Fremiss-Angharad

  Grey Forest Gilgren    

Mierva the Dark, dragon

  dragons   Man Eater's Madness      

Murbol wendigo wise woman

  skin changer witches      

Naakesh, Commander of the Confederacy Citadel of the First Watch


Nambra Jocan, wood elf huntress

  chestnuts   "little goats"   Scarterran New Year's Observances   skopen    

Nilen the Cobbler

by Me with Hero Forge
  Swift Shoes  

Norabruck Grumblespine, dwarven Circuit Priestess of Nami

by Me with Hero Forge
  Bags of Holding   Barony of the Bats government   barley   brodesopp   Cloak of the Mighty Winds   Dawn of Nami   hops   Hospitals   How most Scarterrans get their drinking water   Imbolc, the Herald of Spring   Legendary Divine Talismans   Lensa Vaxidor   "little goats"   maize   Midsummer's Night   Nami Annual Celebrations   Nami's Zenith   potatoes   Scarterran New Year's Observances   Tapukeah Zeyvem Memorial Hospital   wheat      

Nuldrun Dragonbane, dwarf freelance castle engineer

Nuldrun Dragon by Eron12 using Hero Forge
  Borderlander National Industry   Insect rancher   lead   Swynfaredian Dragonbloods   the Storm House Eatery   Where do Scarterrans poop?    

Numaness the Mystic, dragon

by me with Midjourney
  Man Eater's Madness      

Onk, goblin wise woman

by me with Midjourney

Perxidor, dark elf enchanter

  Control Collars   Slavery in Kahdisteria    

Priest Benek of the Cult of the Compact

  Endless Unmakings Conspiracy Theory   Legendary Divine Talismans   Nami Annual Celebrations   Scarterran Holy Symbols in general   Scarterran New Year's Observances   Summer Stellar Day   Winter Stellar Day   Zodiac Holidays in general      

Aunt Ragani the goat herder

by Me with Hero Forge
  sheep   wool    

Ragnut, ogre mercenary

  skin changer witches   Axes    

Revered Father Broderick, Swynfaredian Guardian

  Custodians of Kismet Heritage    

Rhoda Shadowsplash of the Water Court


Roodnat, gnome chef

  Ale Houses   brodesopp   bonecracker eggs   bonecracker eggs served at wedding feasts   Everyday meals in Scarterra   Fumayan gnomes   gnomes   grey elves   grey gnomes   Imbolc, the Herald of Spring   Meckelorn gnomes   millet   Moon bread   Poison Detection Jewelry   potatoes   Swynfaredian Dragonbloods   the Storm House Eatery   Wedding Punchings  

Reverend Hahn of Fumaya's Stewards

by me with Midjourney
  Scarterran Holy Symbols in general   who becomes a theurgist and who does not    

Reylis Ardreth, governor of the City of Light

  Scarterran New Year's Observances      

Saad, traveling minstrel

  Principality of Midlandia   Scarterran opera   sheep    

Tarsynora Craroris, grey elf historian

  bugbears   chimeras   Spirit Griffins   the decline of human slavery in the Feudal Era  

Selenar, wood elf druid, Stewards of the Dominion

  Apex of Korus   Horns of the Lost Titans   Korus' Solace   Korus' Verdance      

Sir Casmir, Grand Marshal of Fumaya.

by Eron12 with Heroforge
  Bladed Melee Weapons   Potionomics   the five types of knights      

Sir Derecho, Knight of the Red Lion

  Bladed Melee Weapons   Imbolc, the Herald of Spring   Midsummer's Night   Royal Imbolc Tournament of Kantoc    

Sir Pie Eater, satyr faun and Kantoca court jester

by Me using Hero Forge
  Classes of Sorcerers in Swynfaredia   grey elves   Monster Teeth   Rowraek dragons  

Sister Ragani, Fumayan Guardians

Ragani portrait by Eron12 using Hero Forge
  Apex of Hallisan   Fumayan gnomes   gnomes   Hallisan's Dawn   Hallisan's Solace   Scarterran Holy Symbols in general    

Taahir, sell sword captain

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Marginalland   Queen Ameria Ravakas Atlas of the Known World   Uskala's Lighthouses      

Thostreas of Clan Snowspine, Master in the Armorers Guild of Meckelorn

  Scarterran New Year's Observances      

Tridal, cyclops pirate hunter

by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  Bladed Melee Weapons   Eye of the Empress   Lunatan cyclopes      

Ujarek of the Herders of Men

by Eron12 on Hero's Forge
  Apex of Maylar   Bladed Melee Weapons   Crown Time Drain   Dawn of Maylar   Herders of Men   pole weapons   pigs   Scarterran Holy Symbols in general   skin changer witches   Tester Stereotypes and Opinions on Other Groups   who becomes a theurgist and who does not    

Umara, half-elf Lantern and adventurer

by Me using Hero Forge
  Crown Time Drain    

Uncle Lanpos

by Me with Hero Forge

Valdix, elderly gnome farmer

by Me with Hero Forge
  Boogeymen of the Void, the   cats   ducks   Scarterran New Year's Observances   skin changer witches      

Vamorus Red Shaft

  Red Shaft Clan   Axes      

Varad, Elder of Bluepeak Blackbeard Clan

  The Stahlheim Council of Elders  

Vesstan Heithana, scholar of Silfûrhëim

by Eron 12 with Hero Forge
  Crown Time Drain   Mace of the Wyrm Slayer   Scarterran opera      

Wenkler, gnome innkeeper and Sedentary Rover

by me with Hero Forge
  Dawn of Nami   gnomes   Nami's Zenith   Scarterran merchants    

Zajac, Fumayan Lantern

by Eron12 with Heroforge
  Bladed Melee Weapons   lead   Moon bread   Scarterran merchants   Scarterran Holy Symbols in general   skin changer witches   the decline of human slavery in the Feudal Era   the Storm House Eatery   Zarthus' Dawn   Zarthus' Solace   Zarthus' Zenith      

Zakarel, part-time hunter, part time fisherman, part-time military scout

Eron12 with Hero Forge by Eron12 with Hero Forge
  "Marshlandia"   the moon and disguises  

Zivid, chimera


Zomath, half-orc brigand

  Apex of Maylar   Maylar's Raiders   Maylar's Solace   Scarterran merchants   Tester Stereotypes and Opinions on Other Groups

Scaraquan quotes


Cherith, mermaid centurion

  bugbears   Piracy throughout Scarterra    

Gazzok, barbarian karakhai

  sphaeracibu, food orbs    

Gizoya, Merman Trader

  Scaraquan vinumaca   sphaeracibu, food orbs  

-Lemaris, Merman priest of the Seeyirah


Morrisak, astalakian adventurer


Nurzuz, ojiongo historian

  "The Mermaid and the Dragon"   sphaeracibu, food orbs

Articles under Master List of Quotes

Cover image: Symbol of the Nine by Pendrake


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